Monday, July 4, 2011

Dirty Dog!!!

For the last week Hank has decided that he would rather smell like a raccoon.  He is usually "the good dog" so his feisty insistence on rolling in the poo every morning is sort of funny. It would be funnier if he would at least have the courtesy to conduct this bit of business after coffee.

I guess in the scheme of things I would rather have a dog that rolls in "it" over a dog that choses to eat 'it".
Annie, littermate to Hank and pet to dear friends Pat and Carmela is the "choses to eat it variety".  She has eaten bags full of freshly baked cookies, whole loaves of Brio bread, basically anything she can grab from the counter, and her favorite....bagged Chicken manure.  She has eaten so much chicken pop that she ended up with the scours, and on a liquid diet for several days. When reintroduced to food, in the form of chicken soup (oh the irony), Pat laments " what if she doesn't like it?". To which Carmela exclaims :SHE EATS CHICKEN SHIT! Of course she will LIKE it!".

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