Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kindred Spirits

This is what I had laying across my legs while I sipped my morning latte.  Dewey loves to snuggle in the mornings before I get out of bed. It is his time.  He assures himself of this mommy and me time by pinning me so I am rendered helpless.  My legs are under there somewhere.

This morning after our coffee we went for a nice run at Clam Beach.  It is my favorite way to start the day.  Fresh air, long stretch of beach, happy dogs, and Gus and I stretching our legs.  We see many of the same people, and most of them have dogs.  This morning we saw the Bassett Hound and his owner, an older gentleman who runs to Little River and back.  We like him, mostly because we like his dog. We also saw the lady with the Icelandic pony.  Her pony is the coolest looking animal, and was instrumental in teaching Dewey that horses really are not that interesting. I could not tell you what most of the regulars look like if not for their animals. I recognize most people and name them according to what breed or species of animal they are with.  There is "Rottewieler lady", she has 2 giant Rotties that she runs with, but whenever she see's other dogs she leashes them, so when we get close to her, we leash out of respect. We always wave at each other. I assume she refers to us as the "Labrador family".  There are also the pug people, the large mastiff couple, and various others that I can't think of.  We think of these people and their dogs as kindred spirits.

Also, I am feeling better! (Obvious, since I went running I guess). The neti pot/sudafed quickly knocked out the cough, and I managed to keep it at bay all week by using the neti pot once daily. So back to a normal routine of being a healthy person.  Here's to staying that way!

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