Sunday, September 4, 2011


One of the benefits to living in Northern California is blackberry season.  In late August and early September there is an abundance of berries to be only have to pick them.  It seems only fair, we do have an abundance of blackberry briar to contend with for the rest of the year. The stuff grows everywhere, whether you want it or not.

Yesterday we went in search of the bounty.  Our plan was to pick enough for a pie, and if we got lucky we would try for enough to make jam as well. Once we found our target location (that is a secret) we split up and began picking. It seems like this year is a late season, as there are still a lot of berries on the vine that are not ripened yet.  It also seems like a lot of people beat us to the "pick".  We managed to get a decent haul, about 5 quarts of fresh berries between the 3 of us.

The problem with berry picking is it is slightly addicting. It is hard to stop picking once you have started, and once you get home and have processed want more. Of the berries we picked yesterday we had enough for a batch of jam, pie, and 2 bags of frozen berries for pies later this winter. I am already planning my next foray....if I can talk the friends into it maybe we will go this afternoon.


  1. I hit my "regular spot" a few weeks ago and found the City had done some "pruning" earlier in the season and left little pickin'. Now I'm searching my back-up locations with a bit of success. I noticed the pasture on 101 and 299 is full of both cattle and BANKS of berries. Do we have to know Lindgrens or someone else to get in there and get to them berries?! They're wasting out there. If you hear, let me know and I'll join you.

  2. I was noticing that as well. I don't know anyone who can get us access. I will ask around at work. :)
