Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have caught the motivation bug, finally!!! After months of being down for the count from my shoulder impingement, and subsequent decompression surgery, I am ready getting back into the groove.
I am not sure what clicked this time, but I have been on the move for a few weeks, and feeling good.
My injury, and then the surgery left me feeling low and dumpy. It is a horrible place to be, and yet every time I tried to climb out of the doldrums...I slipped back in to lethargy.

About a month ago I decided that I wanted to try swimming again, even though I am not a swimmer ( fancy myself more of a runner). I was thinking that it would be a good way to strengthen my arms, and maybe gently rehab my shoulder. So, I rejoined our local gym, and off I went. Gus seemed glad to have our membership re-upped as well.

Swimming has been great! I swim 3 times a week for a half an hour. I don't stop any more, just alternate from breaststroke (my primary stroke), to forward crawl and side stroke.  I am not swimming to set any record, just to feel my body glide through the water, feel my arms work, my legs move. It is awesome. On the days I don't swim before work, I decided to run on the dreadmill....knowing full well the likelihood of doing it after work is slim.  I feel better during the day if I work out early, and for some reason my eating habits reflect this. Food and exercise go hand in hand for me. Fueling the body you are working is important. It feels better, I FEEL BETTER.  And slowly, all the wieght I gained pre and post surgery starts to melt away. Motivation.

I recently decided to try the Step class offered, in an effort to keep thing interesting, and prevent homeostasis. It is great fun, and even though I am woefully out of step a fair portion of the time, I like it. I am going to go twice a week. Maybe I will catch on!

Motivation...I love it. I have not figured out what clicks for me, but I am sure glad it finally did.

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